Lab News
"news": [ {"content": "Congratulations! Po-Yuan Su and Hao Luo have been awarded the IEEE ICC 2020 ViWi mmWave Beam Tracking Competition (ViWi-BT) Second Place!", "date": "2020"}, {"content": "We co-organize the event: The Fourth International Workshop on M2M Technology 2014", "date": "2014-08-30"}, {"content": "We co-organize the event: IEEE M2M Summer School 2014", "date": "2014-08-26"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Prof. Hung-Yu Wei got 2014 Research Project for Excellent Young Scholars, Ministry of Science and Technology (科技部優秀年輕學者計畫). The topic is Self-Organized Dynamic TDD Small Cells: From Theory to Standardization.", "date": "2014-08"}, {"content": "New website launched!", "date": "2014-08-05", "image": "image/news/news20140719.png"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Mei-Ju Shih got the 2014 Google Taiwan Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship.", "date": "2014-07-14"}, {"content": "We co-organize the event: IEEE ICC M2M Workshop 2014", "date": "2014-06-10"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Chih-Yu Wang is awarded for the best Doctoral Dissertation by Taiwan Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(台灣電機子工程學會)", "date": "2013"}, {"content": "IEEE International Workshop of Machine-to-Machine Communications for the Next Generation Wireless Networks, collocated with IEEE ICC, June 13, 2013, Budapest, Hungary", "date": "2013-06"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Chih-Yu Wang got the Best Presentation Award in 2013 Taiwan Spring School on Information Theory and Communications!", "date": "2013"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Chih-Yu Wang has been awarded the IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Student Travel Grant!", "date": "2013"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Prof. Wei won K. T. Li Young Researcher Award (李國鼎青年研究獎) from ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter and The Institute of Information and Computing Machinery in 2012.", "date": "2012"}, {"content": "Congratulations! Hung-Yu Wei and Kuan-Yu Lin got Best Paper Award on Advanced Management Information Technologies and Applications Conference(AMITAC2012)!!!", "date": "2012"}, {"content": "Congratulations! The paper \"Traffic Engineering for Power Efficient Smartphone Communications\" by Chang-Hung Hsieh, Yu-Yu Chen, Chih-Chieh Yang, Shih-Lung Chao, and Hung-Yu Wei got Best Paper Award on 2012 WPMC!!!", "date": "2012"}, ]