
IEEE International Workshop of Machine-to-Machine Communications for the Next Generation Wireless Networks

Collocated with IEEE ICC, June 13, 2013, Budapest, Hungary

Paper Submission

Papers should be written in English with a standard length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with extra charge if accepted). You may use the standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats found at http://www.ieee.org/portal/pages/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.html. Alternatively you can follow the sample instructions in template.pdf at http://www.comsoc.org/confs/globecom/2008/template.pdf. Only PDF files are accepted for paper review. Your submitted PDF file and registered EDAS (http://edas.info/N13455) account of a paper must list the same author(s), title and abstract (minor wording differences in the abstract are ok). Papers where the PDF and EDAS account do not match the author(s), title, and/or abstract will be withdrawn by the Technical Program Co-Chairs or Symposium Co-Chairs.